Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The Final List

Note the ultra-high quality of the iPhone 5S camera.

So you'll see that I went a bit over the budget on build.

You will recall that the idea was to keep to a price comparable to a PS4/ XBONE. The PS4 is currently £278ish on Amazon, about half the cost of the rig. The XBONE is £263, which is less than half.

That's quite the failure of the experiment isn't it?

Not necessarily.

I'm not going to rhyme off all the advantages of a PC, but the pertinent ones are that it's vastly more future-proof than a console. If there have to be upgrades down the line, it won't be a brand new computer, it will be some extra ram or a graphics card upgrade, meaning it's a longer lasting investment than a console. Secondly: the graphics are better than a console, which matters to me. What can I say? I'm a sucker for pretty things.

So, how does it perform? Find out on the next exciting instalment of The Reasonable Rig!

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