Tuesday, 6 October 2015

To the 120 viewers of my blog: sorry it kinda sucks

Evening y'all.

Or morning y'all, if that happens to be when you're reading this.

If you're reading this in the afternoon: get back to work! If you're unemployed and reading this in the afternoon: carry on.

I did have quite high hopes for this blog, but unfortunately I have zero time for many things, like writing. And as you've guessed, based on the subject matter of this blog, I am also a gamer, and if I have any spare time I like to spend it gaming. So if I have some free time I'm more likely to spend it gaming rather than writing about gaming.

I'll try to make more time for you readers though.

So here's an update.

The rig is built! I wasn't blowing smoke when I started a blog about building a PC for reasonably cheap. I actually did it, and have been in financial difficulties ever since, but that's really down to my own inability to manage my money.

Games: well that's the point isn't it? I built the rig to play games on it, and play games on it I have. I will be doing reviews from time to time. I'm going to have to come up with some sort of system for rating the graphics though, because I don't really understand the technical side of things, and quite frankly can't tell the difference between 32fps and 48fps like many people can. But I do like me some sexy graphics, so I will probably use a scale from "like having shit flung in your eyes" to "like looking at a perfectly formed diamond through a pair diamond binoculars," or something like that...

Other hopeful features for the site:

News? I'm pretty out of the loop when it comes to developments in any industry that isn't my own, so there probably won't be much in the way of news.

Entertaining stuff? Hopefully everything on this site will be entertaining. If you've enjoyed this post so far: stick around! If you think this post, and the ones that preceded it, have been shit. Well, maybe it's best you leave now and try to forget you ever came here.

Commentary on stuff? Probably. I consider myself to be fairly adept at pointing out the failures of others in a smarmy, hurt-durr, neckbeard kind of way. So there will probably a snarky article or two about stuff I don't approve of from time to time.

Articles about nonsense? Yup. I'm a lawyer in my non-internet time, which is quite a low-nonsense job. That's why I'm a fairly high-nonsense writer.

Well-researched and poignant pieces of literature that will find their way onto the Pulitzer shortlist? Ha. Aha. Ahahahahahahahahaha. No.

Anything to do with the technical side of PC-ing? I don't know much about that, but I shall try my hardest.

Ambitious, yes. But Gods dammit I'm committed-ish to making this the best half-assed gaming blog on the internet.



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